Tenet Timeline

A look into Christopher Nolan's Sci-Fi film - Tenet.

Designing an app with Adobe XD

I used to be a big fan of the design software Fireworks formerly from Macromedia, and later Adobe after Macromedia got aquired.

Android Messages Codenames, Part 3

An always upto date list of codenames for the Android Messages app.

ReactJS Book Store application

I want to note down how I created a simple ReactJS app in two nights time, from scratch to deploying on the cloud.

Add custom filter to RecyclerView

One of the most requested enhancements for the Random Contact App is for a way to filter contacts with the custom contact picker that is used in it. Since it seemed like a good reusable component, I added the module named MultiContactPicker along with the rearchitecture of my Andorid library project lib-aeApps.

Lets see how to add a filter for a RecyclerView in an Android app.

AndroidX migration and ConstraintLayout

I migrated an Android app to AndroidX with the help of the Refactor option from Android Studio. After all the references in the java files were updated, I ran into the below error when I tried running my app.

  android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2 in <>: Error inflating class androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout  
    Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2 in <>: Error inflating class androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout  
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout  

After a bit of head scratching and internet search, I was able to fix it by simply changing the declaration in the layout XML file. androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout to androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout

I was expecting atleasst the IDE to throw an error, but had to find and fix it the hard way.

Swap two numbers without a temporary variable

For no reason, I was reminded of a simple code snippet to swap (interchange) two numbers that I had discovered in my early programming days. I may have used it once or twice in my 10 years of being a professional software developer.

Swapping two numbers is a common use case when working with some algorithms and the like.

Revisiting Assassins Creed 1

Replaying a video game from long time back, and make some notes.

Android error on Toast

Solving an error when using a Toast from within a Fragment

Pipeline Design Pattern

To simplify a process, I had to quickly build a utility app to create report based on status from a large number of emails on a daily basis.

I had always planned to refactor the single Java source file into a proper design when I found some free time. That’s how I got to implement my version of the Pipeline Design Pattern.