Splash Screen

From my research, there are multiple ways to create a Splash Screen ranging from new Activity for splash which is displayed for a fixed time to the simple approach detailed below.

Introducing Trip O Meter

Trip O Meter started out as a simple idea to know how much fuel would be needed when making a trip. I just wanted to make sure there was sufficient amount of fuel while planning.

Year 2016 in Review

Whoa, A year went by so fast. I still remember setting up this blog and writing the Bye Bye 2015 post, which seem a few months back.

Here are the highlights from 2016.

  • Migrated few Android apps to Android Studio
  • Won a Quarterly award at work
  • Reading the third book by Robert Galbraith - Career of Evil
  • Finally bought a DSLR
  • Took some technical courses and now I know a little bit more Javascript, Java 8 and Bootstrap thanks to Pluralsight
  • Went for a Pondichery Trip as well as few short trips

Nothing major to note from music scene, but watched a few movies.

It seems that I have blogged lesser than I had hoped this past year. Need to blog more often. Some long travel trips also need to be made.

First DSLR

I finally made transition from a Point & Shoot camera to a DSLR. It was made possible with the Canon 700D and 18-55 and 55-250 lenses.


Watching football, like most other sport, is extra fun if you are with like minded kith or kin. So I decided to capture an experience of some friends watching a football match live. But the problem was to find some enthusiastic people on a short notice. The outcome after some improvisation is the image above.

In this blog post, I shall try to share the methods used to achieve this image.

Java 8 Functional Interfaces

I did further research into Lambda expressions in Java 8 after my last article. It was then that I came to know about “Functional Interfaces”. Understanding the basics is the key to learning Lambda expressions in Java 8.

Lambda expressions in Java 8

Ever since I heard Lambdas as one of the new features of Java 8, I did some research on it and ended up not understanding it at all. Other than some relation with complex mathematical terms, there was nothing I could understand about this.

Project codenamed MoonShine

I like to visualize data! Its easier to understand and relate that way. Its a good way to memorize key points.

Random Contact Update

I like to visualize data! Its easier to understand and relate that way. Its a good way to memorize key points.

Year 2015 in Review

After learning about Jekyll, it was an aim to setup and start writing blog posts using Jekyll at the start of the year. Unfortunately, it is only at the end of the year that I am finally able to publish this post using a text editor and command prompt. This is a start, and now about that “exercise” that I promised to take up.