Message Counter (Android)

A quick look into how we can count the number of messages (sms/text) on an Android device. As well as an Android app that I published to the Play Store.


In this blog post, I note down an interesting usage of Canvas API. I had tried to build something with it earlier but I needed more guidance and definetly some inspiration.

AI Image Generation

Adobe recently unveiled a suite of AI Image generation tools under the name Firefly. I got access to Beta test this product and thought of writing down some notes as I had done in recently.

Comparison of front end frameworks

A comparison of modern front end frameworks created with the help of AI Tools. (Mostly Chat GPT).

AI Reviews Assassins Creed 2

Assassin's Creed 2 Review - The Classic Game That Improved on the Original, a review generated with the help of AI tools.

Year 2022 in Review

Exploring AI Image Generation Tools

Although advanced experiments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been around for a long time, for the common people it was usually portayed in a futuristic science fiction movies. Virtual assistants like Google Assistant and Siri etc. that are able to understand natural language queries have been helping us for some time.

Animated Hero Background with HTML5 and SASS

When the org website for ae app labs was redesigned and upgraded to use SvelteKit, I added an animated background for the hero section. I had that idea for a long time and wanted to change the boring and simple background from the last redesign.

How I almost got hacked

Last Saturday I got a message on my instagram account from an old aquaintance of mine whom I had met at a photography event back in 2017. Little did I suspect who was on the other side.

Current Page URL in SvelteKit and SEO Tags

Having recently updated the ae app labs org website to use SvelteKit, I came across some SEO optimizations that can be done to improve how articles are previewed on Twitter, Linked In etc.